Sunday 10 January 2016

Hugging - The Cure For What Ails Us

(Information for this essay comes from the following websites: and


There are a host of medical benefits why hugging is good for us such as enhancing one’s immune system. But there are a couple of benefits that may be of interest for OCD sufferers.

Hugging stimulates dopamine, the pleasure hormone. Dopamine gives us that feel good feeling and helps with motivation.

Procrastination, self doubt, lack of enthusiasm are linked with low levels of dopamine. Hugs are said to adjust these levels.

Hugging also stimulates serotonin. Serotonin flows when we feel significant or important. Loneliness and depression appear when serotonin is absent.

Low levels of serotonin are linked to OCD.

Hugging for an extended time lifts one serotonin levels, elevating mood and creates happiness.

Hugging is something that we all need. It is definitely something we can all give.

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The following piece comes from a “Dear Abby” column submitted by Eileen Perry. It's about the benefits of hugging.
No moveable parts

No batteries to wear out

No periodic check ups

Low energy consumption

High energy yield

Inflation proof

No monthly payments

No insurance requirements

Theft proof

Non taxable

Non polluting

And, of course, fully returnable


Hugging is healthy

It relieves tension

Combats depression

Reduces stress

Improves blood circulation

It’s invigorating

It’s rejuvenating

It elevates self esteem

It generates good will

It has no unpleasant side effects

It is nothing less than a miracle drug

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