Monday 29 June 2015

Slogans To Help OCD Sufferers

(Writer's note: These slogans have helped me when my OCD has been acting up. I hope that they help you. Feel free to share them with your fellow sufferers. - Ken Munro)

What obsesses your brain is an idea. You know from experience that ideas come and go. How is it that it “obsesses” you and occupies your attention all the time? The reason is that the actions of your muscles feed this idea and reinforce it incessantly preventing it from leaving the brain as ideas ordinarily do. That idea would die a natural death within a short time, as ideas commonly do, if you permitted it to expire.

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If you fear to do something you do not fear the thing but your sensations. And the cure is to do what you fear to do and to brave the sensations.

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Feelings are not facts. Sensations are merely distressing but not dangerous. In speaking of your symptoms, your feelings lie to you. If you trust them you are certain to be betrayed into panic and vicious cycles.

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If the nervous patient is to rid himself of his disturbing symptoms, he will have to cultivate the “Will to Bear Discomfort.”

(All above passages by Abraham A. Low M.D., Founder of Recovery Inc., from his book “Mental Health Through Will-Training”)

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Let go (and let God.)

This, too, shall pass.

      - slogans used in 12 step Anonymous programs

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Acting out your OCD is like shoveling snow from your steps. You finish that, then, you need to do the driveway. Next, it’s the sidewalk, then the street. Next, it’s highway 401….                                                                        

                                                                                                                  -   Ken R. from Toronto

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Fear is faithlessness.   

 – George MacDonald

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The very moment the feeling of fear stirs in his body and the corresponding thought of danger rises in his brain, the patient must instantly spot the condition as one of severe discomfort with no danger attached.

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In order to conquer disturbing sensations and obsessive thoughts, command the muscles to do what you fear to do.

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Attack the chain of your fears at their weakest point and convince your brain through your muscles that its ideas of danger are absurd.

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When experiencing a vicious cycle of helplessness, command your muscles to move transforming the vicious cycle of helplessness into the vitalizing cycle of self confidence.

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If you wish to get rid of your troubles, you will have to attack those of your symptoms first which form the weakest links in the chain of your ill balanced sensations, feelings and impulses.

(All above passages by Abraham A. Low M.D.,  Founder of Recovery Inc., from his book “Mental Health Through Will-Training)

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Fear itself does not exist in the world. There are only fearful thoughts and avoidance behaviours.                               – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer     

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You must realize that nothing worthwhile will ever come without postponement of gratification. – Theodore Isaac Rubin M.D.


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Live in the solution, not the problem.

– from the book “A New Day”

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RECOVERY: Facing, Accepting, Floating, Let time pass

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Recovery lies in the places and experiences feared.

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Sailors say that at the centre of a hurricane there is a place of peace, which they call the eye. The storm swirls around but can not reach it. To find it the ship must first go through the storm. Find the eye of your hurricane; so onward little ship into the storm, into the eye of the hurricane, but willingly with acceptance.

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The patient can only quell panic by going forward into it, never withdrawing from it.

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True acceptance means facing and relaxing, being prepared to go slowly with as little self-induced agitation as possible. It is submission.

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Never make the mistake of fighting to be rid of unwanted thoughts. Relax toward them and see even the most shocking for what they are: only thoughts.

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If you fight to forget unwanted thoughts or try to replace them with others, you make the unwanted thoughts too important, so that forgetting becomes more and more difficult.

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No-longer-mattering is the goal, not forgetting.

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However severe your panic, simply sit back and roll with the punches. Let come what will. Do NOT withdraw from it in panic. It means understanding that it is no more than an electrical flash.

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Accept strangeness, any strangeness that evokes nervousness, until it no longer matters.

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Acceptance means going forward, doing the things dreaded, and doing them with utter acceptance of whatever nervous symptoms, sensations, or experiences may come while doing them.

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Recovery lies in the places and experiences you avoid. Never run away from such places or experiences. They are your salvation because recovery truly lies in them.

(Above quotes from Dr. Claire Weekes’ book “More Help for Your Nerves.”)

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Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway.

– Title of book by Susan Jeffers Ph.D

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We learn to think by reason rather than by feelings and imagination.

– Step #8 of GROW – a 12 step program

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Risk nothing; gain nothing

- Emotions Anonymous small book

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 Give your OCD an inch; it’ll take a mile

– Jerry from Toronto
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Time will bring healing

– Euripides
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Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty

– John Finley
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FEAR = Face Everything And Recover

                                                                 – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Dummies

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FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

– from the book “A New Day”



Sunday 28 June 2015

I`d like to hear your comments, suggestions, etc

I`d like to hear your comments, suggestions, etc.

Even though I have my ideas - i.e. slogans, discussion of  treatments, etc., this website is for all of us. There should be a box at the end of each submission to respond.

And please be patient, I`m still working out the `kinks` learning to navigate on BlogSpot.

Saturday 27 June 2015


My name is Ken Munro. I have been diagnosed with OCD since 1972. Though I had symptoms prior to that year.

I've designed this blog with the intent to offer help and support for OCD sufferers, their family and friends - i.e. treatment, slogans, among other things.

OCD can leave us isolated. Nobody should fight their OCD alone.